alliance- the association to further the common interest of its members.

Orthotic Service

Alliance P&O offers all available types of external orthotic devices for the body.  The following is a list and defintions of common orthotic devices.


Cranial Helmet-  A helmet used to either protect the head/brain or to reshape the skull.

Cervical Orthosis-  Any type of brace stabalizing/correcting the neck and head.

Body Jacket-  Term used for a brace encompassing the trunk of the body.

SO-  Sacral Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the pelvic region of the body.

LSO-  Lumbo Sacral Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the lower region of the back.

TLSO-  Thoraco Lumbar Sacral Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the complete back region.

CTLSO-  Cervical Thoraco Lumbar Sacral Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the complete spine.

FO-  Foot Orthotis- A brace stabilizing/correcting/accommodating the foot.

AFO-  Ankle Foot Orthotis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the ankle joint.

SMO-  Supra Malleolar Orthosis- A brace with less stabilization/correction than AFO crossing the ankle joint. 

KO-  Knee Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the knee joint.

KAFO-  Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the knee and ankle joints.

HO-  Hip Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the hip joint.

HKAFO-  Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the entire lower body.

WHO-  Wrist Hand Orthosis-  A brace stabilizing/correcting the wrist and hand joints.

EO-  Elbow Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the elbow joint.

SO-  Shoulder Orthosis- A brace stabilizing/correcting the shoulder joint.

FX Bracing-  Any time a brace is made/fit to accommodate a fracture.

OA/Unloader-  A brace that takes pressure away from areas compromised by osteo-arthritis.

ROM-  Range of Motion- Usually the set degrees the physician wants your affected joint to move.

Gauntlet/AZ Brace-  A brace made to limit motion at a joint, usually made out of leather.

Conventional-  The term used to identify the more traditional style of metal componentry to achieve correction.

CAM Walker-  A walking boot with "Controlled Ankle Motion" to limit ankle movement while walking.

PRAFO-  Pressure Relief AFO- A brace that eliminates pressure at a certain point of the body.

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